Impact of Humic Acid Addition and Ginger Rhizome Extract Spraying on Apricot Seedlings, Cv. Hamawi


  • Ahmed Fatkhan Zabar Al-Dulaimy University of Anbar
  • Majid Eyada Hardan University of Anbar



Apricot, Ginger, Humic acid, Growth, Chemical content



During the growing season of 2021, the study was carried out in the lath house of the Department of Horticulture and Landscaping at the College of Agriculture at the University of Anbar, to investigate the impact of humic acid (H) addition at values of (0, 4, 8 ml L-1) and using an extract from the ginger rhizome (Z) solution at (0, 5, 10 g L-1) concentrations On a few apricot seedling growth traits and chemical composition, cultivar Hamawi. The outcomes showed a considerable impact of humic acid addition on all attributes investigated, particularly the high level (H2, which exhibited the attributes with the highest values (seedlings height 30.57 cm, length of branches 18.6 cm, the stem diameter is 2.7 mm, number of leaves is 132.8 leaf seedlings-1, the percentage of dry matter of leaves is 51.86%, the leaf area 2065.02 cm2 seedlings-1, chlorophyll content of leaves 11.21 mg g-1 fresh weight, leaves content of total carbohydrates 13.76%). Spraying ginger rhizome extract was used as treatment (Z2), and it had the most notable effects on the characteristics (The rate of increase in seedling height, rate of increase in stem diameter, rate of increase in number of leaves, percentage of leaf dry matter, leaf area, content of leaves from chlorophyll, content of leaves from total carbohydrates) which were (26.58 cm, 2.6 mm, 126.7 seedling leaf-1, 50.79%, 1804.03 cm2 seedling-1 , 11.13 mg g-1 fresh weight, and 12.95%) respectively.


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Impact of Humic Acid Addition and Ginger Rhizome Extract Spraying on Apricot Seedlings, Cv. Hamawi. (2024). NTU Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 4(2).

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