Electrical energy from waste and garbage: General review


  • maha al-flaiyeh university of mosul




renewable energy; WTE; Gasification; incineration; pyrolysis.


Here we give a comprehensive overview of the current situation and trends used in the field of waste-to-energy technology (WTE) and the feasibility of the various current technologies used in the conversion process, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each used technology in terms of benefit, cost and impact on the environment, this research also provides recent statistics on the amount of electrical energy produced from waste-to-energy conversion technology (WTE) in some leading Arab and global countries in this field. We also review the global scenario for countries producing this type of renewable energies.


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How to Cite

Electrical energy from waste and garbage: General review. (2022). NTU Journal of Renewable Energy, 2(1), 18-26. https://doi.org/10.56286/ntujre.v2i1.176

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