Diabetes mellitus in pet animals


  • Ahmed Hussein University of Mosul
  • Muttaa Abdalmutalib Alhayali University of Mosul
  • Nashaat G. Mustafa University of Mosul




Diabetes mellitus, pet animals, cats, dogs


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a recurrent trouble found in humans and animals, especially dogs and cats. Clinical symptoms include hyperglycemia with glycosuria, and using the documentation of their persistencefor diagnosis. The insurance that the owners of cats or dogs have the ability to administer of insulin, perceive the clinical symptoms of deficiency control DM, and observe of glucose concentrations in blood, are important steps in the successful management of DM. Treatment by using insulin twice daily with the diet diversity is very useful in the management insulin resistance and obesity in dogs. In cats, the first treatment includes moving to a diet of low-carbohydrates accompanied by an injection of insulin twice daily. Amnesty rates in cats can be more than 90%, while in dogs the disease, with the omission of a bias disorder, is usually life-long. This manuscript aim to detail the achievable classification, pathogenesis and etiology of impulsive DM in pet animals and spotlight innovative conducted research in this area.


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Diabetes mellitus in pet animals. (2024). NTU Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.56286/ntujavs.v4i1.728

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