Suspicions Raised in the Digital Space About the Noble Qur’an and Ways to Respond to Them


  • Omar Abdel-Sattar Rokan Sunni Endowment Directorate -Anbar



Praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger, his family and companions, and after:
Raising suspicions about the Holy Qur’an is not a new issue, but rather it is as old as the message of Islam. They described it as poetry and magic, and that it is legends of the ancients, and that it is a fabricated fabricator, and the Qur’an recorded all these falsehoods and slanders and refuted them, but now with the development of this science and scientific inventions from the Internet, social and digital means of communication and other such devices, which orientalists have taken as a means to spread their suspicions against The Holy Book of God (the Holy Qur’an) and the teachings of Islam, so it was necessary for us to enter into these suspicions through the digital space and other such programs and devices in order for us to identify those suspicions raised against the Holy Quran, its history, interpretation and sciences, so this was the aim of this research And the reason for choosing it




How to Cite

Suspicions Raised in the Digital Space About the Noble Qur’an and Ways to Respond to Them. (2022). NTU Journal for Administrative and Human Sciences (JAHS), 2(2), 63-92.