The Use of Different Concentrations of Oxalic Acid to Decrease the Infestation of Varroa Destructor during Autumn Season as One of Integrated Management Methods


  • Duaa Manaf Ahmad Department of Plant protection / College of Agricultural &Forestry/ University of Mosul
  • Muzahim A. Elsaiegh Department of Plant protection / College of Agricultural &Forestry/ University of Mosul



Varroa , Oxalic Acid , Mite, relative effectiveness, fall mite number, relative efficiency


Trait results is applying different concentrations of oxalic acid on Varroa mite population parasitoid on honey bee which was conducted in the apiary of the College of Agriculture & Forestry for the year 2020. The concentration treatment of 4.2% showed the lowest mean number of mites falling on the hive board which amounted to 27.42 mites compared with the highest mean of 49.10 mites in the control treatment. This was reflected in the mean number of mites expected inside the cell. It was recorded in the control treatment which amounted to 4910 mites As for the relative effectiveness of the different treatments, the highest mean was recorded in the concentration treatment 3.5% with a mean of 86.84 compared with the lowest mean of 58.85 which was recorded in the concentration treatment 4.2%. As for the treatment efficiency, the highest mean efficiency was recorded 15.91% in the treatment concentration 4.2% compared with the lowest mean of 8.27% which was recorded in the 3.5% concentration treatment. Correlation statistical analysis showed some significant and non-significant differences among some characters in the different treatments.



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How to Cite

The Use of Different Concentrations of Oxalic Acid to Decrease the Infestation of Varroa Destructor during Autumn Season as One of Integrated Management Methods. (2022). NTU Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 2(2).